Welcome to the Apocryphile Press

Greetings from the Apocryphile Press. purveyors of unusual books, attractively packaged and reasonably priced. We are distributed by Ingram, the largest book distribution company in the US, and perhaps the world. All AP titles are available on amazon.com anywhere in the world (although certain titles are restricted in some countries due to copyright restrictions).

We specialize in books in the field of philosophy and religion. We also publish general spirituality and mysticism. We are also particularly interested in making sure important books which have fallen out of print are available to the general public now and for some time to come. It doesn't matter how many are sold. It only matters that it is available when someone needs it. We intend to publish approximately four books per year, so please check back in now and then to see what's new and what's cookin'.

We are a small, new-paradigm publishing company. This means we have no full time employees, no offices, no warehouses, no overhead, and don't need to make any money to stay in business. Our books will remain available no matter how many (or few) are sold. Books are printed as they are ordered and shipped directly from the printer, so there is no need for the infrastructure that used to make publishing such a tricky business. 

Please write us with ideas and suggestions for out of print books that ought not be, or send us an original manuscript it if fits our area of speciality. We hope you enjoy our books. We are publishing most of them because WE enjoyed them.

The Apocryphile Press Staff

John R. Mabry, publisher and editor

Michael Asteriou, associate editor